Our Directors
The 2023 - 2027 ILDS Board comprises of 19 Directors with three officers; President, Secretary-General and Treasurer. The Board meet regularly throughout the year to oversee ILDS programmes and activities.
ILDS Board of Directors

Henry W. Lim - USA
Prof Henry W. Lim joined the ILDS Board in 2019. He is ILDS President for 2023-2027 and will leave the Board in 2031 after a term as Immediate-Past President.
HENRY W. LIM is the former chairman of Dermatology, Henry Ford Health, Detroit, Michigan, USA. He received his M.D. from SUNY Downstate, and completed his residency at NYU. He has served as president of the American Academy of Dermatology. He is a recognized international expert on photodermatology. He is an honorary member of the following dermatological societies: US, Austria, France, the Philippines, China, the Baltics, Spain, Chinese Taipei, and Peru.

María Ivonne Arellano Mendoza - Mexico
Dr María Ivonne Arellano Mendoza joined the ILDS Board in 2019. She is ILDS Secretary-General for 2023-2027 and will leave the Board in 2027.
I was born in Mexico, a wonderful country, famous for its historic legacy, geographical richness, traditions, and cultural and gastronomic heritage; known worldwide for the hospitality and friendliness of our people.
I studied medicine and graduated as a Dermatologist and Dermatologic Surgeon in 1991, completed my Master of Science in 2016, and been staff member of the Dermatology Department at Hospital General de México for 33 years.
It is a great honour to serve at the ILDS, as Secretary General and representing Latin America. I will collaborate with my best professional standards, ethical leadership, values, and principles.

Stephen Shumack - Australia
Prof Stephen Shumack joined the ILDS Board in 2019. He is ILDS Treasurer for 2023-2027 and will leave the Board in 2027.
Associate Professor Stephen Shumack is a general Dermatologist from Sydney, Australia. He is the current Treasurer of the ILDS, having served as the Vice Treasurer from 2019-2023. He has been a Board member of the ILDS since 2019. He is a Clinical Associate Professor in the discipline of Dermatology at the University of Sydney and a senior Staff Specialist, and supervisor of Resident training, at the Royal North Shore Hospital of Sydney. He is a past President of the Australasian College of Dermatologists, past Editor in Chief of the Australasian Journal of Dermatology, and past Chair of the Skin and Cancer Foundation, Australia.

Antonio Torrelo - Regional Director for Europe (2023 - 2027) Spain
Dr. Torrelo graduated in Medicine in Madrid in 1987. He completed Residency training in dermatology in 1991 at Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid. He has developed his whole career at the Children’s Hospital del Niño Jesús in Madrid since 1992, and is Head of Dermatology Department since 2007. Dr. Torrelo is married to Dr. Lourdes Navarro and both have son Pablo (29) and daughter Angela (26). Dr. Torrelo likes very much road biking, rock and roll guitar and eating pizza with Lourdes.

Claire Fuller - Chair of the IFD (Appointed Director 2015 - 2027) United Kingdom
Dr Claire Fuller is a consultant dermatologist from London, UK. She is a medical dermatologist with interest in infectious and tropical dermatoses as well as multidisciplinary genital skin diseases management. She is on the leadership team of the Neglected Tropical Disease NGO Network Skin NTD Cross Cutting Group and is a founder member of GLODERM (The International Alliance for Global Health Dermatology) as well as IACS International Alliance for the Control of Scabies

George Hruza - Regional Director for USA & Canada (2023 - 2027) United States of America
Dr. Hruza is adjunct prof. of dermatology at St. Louis University. He did his residency at New York University, laser surgery fellowship at Harvard and a Mohs surgery fellowship at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Hruza serves on 3 derm. journal ed. bds. He has served as President of American Academy of Dermatology, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, ASLMS, MSMA and SLMMS. He has contributed more than 180 publications to medical literature including 4 textbooks.

Jin Ho Chung - Regional Director for Asia Pacific (2019 - 2027) South Korea
Prof. Jin Ho Chung is currently the Professor of Department of Dermatology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, in Korea. His basic research interests lie in the field of skin aging, photobiology and photomedicine. On the clinical side, he has been treating patients with various autoimmune bullous diseases and rheumatic skin diseases. He is a past President of Korean Society for Investigative Dermatology (KSID).

Jorge Ocampo-Candiani - WCD 2027 President (2023 - 2027) Mexico
Jorge Ocampo-Candiani MD, PhD Chairman at the Dermatology DepartmentUniversity of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico. Assistant Professor of Dermatology University of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico. Private Practice in Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery Medipiel Centro Dermatológico,Monterrey, Mexico. Member of 19, National and International Societies. Member of the Executive board of the ISD (international Society of dermatology) Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, the Mexican Acad

Ketty Peris - International Director (2023 - 2027) Italy
Ketty Peris is Full Professor of Dermatology and Head of the Department of Dermatology, Catholic University, Rome, Italy. Prof. Peris is Past President of the Italian Society of Dermatology (SIDeMaST) and general secretary of the European Association of Dermato-oncology as well as member of International scientific societies such as EDF and EADV. Her main research interests include dermato-oncology and immune-mediated diseases. She has been principal investigator in numerous therapeutic trials

Lars French - Immediate Past President (Appointed Director 2015 - 2027) Germany
Prof. Dr. med. Lars E French MD is a clinician-scientist and the current Professor and Chairman of the Department of Dermatology and Allergology at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), one of the largest in Europe . Professor French is engaged in competitive research in the field of inflammatory skin disease and adverse cutaneous drug reactions. He is author of over 440 original publications with an h-index of 60, over 15000 citations, and is a past-president of the ILDS, ESDR and EDF.

Lidia Rudnicka - International Director (2023 - 2027) Poland
Professor Lidia Rudnicka is the head of the Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland. She received professional education in Germany, Belgium and the USA. She (co-)authored over 400 scientific publications. Her main scientific achievement is her contribution to development of trichoscopy for diagnosis of hair and scalp disorders. She coined the term "trichoscopy" and co-edited "The Atlas of Trichoscopy". She served as president of the Polish Dermatological Society, executive board member of the EADV and board observer of the AAD. She is an honorary member of several scientific Societies and the recipient of awards for scientific achievements.

Luca Borradori - Regional Director for Europe (2019 - 2027) Switzerland
Borradori graduated from the University of Bern and completed his specialist training at the C.H.U. Saint Louis in Paris and at the University Hospitals in Lausanne and Geneva. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the dermatology branch of the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda and the Netherlands Cancer Institute. He was Head of outpatient clinics in Geneva, where he became 2007 an Associate Professor. In 2008, he took his current position as Chairman and full professor in Bern. The clini

Manabu Fujimoto - Regional Director for Asia Pacific (2023 - 2027) Japan
He graduated and received his medical degree from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1992. Subsequently, he was trained at the dermatology department of the University of Tokyo Hospital. From 1997 to 2000, he was a Research Associate in the Department of Immunology, Duke University Medical Center. He served as Division Chief at the Research Institute, International Medical Center of Japan from 2000 to 2003, and Designated Assistant Professor a

Martin Röcken - International Director (2019 - 2027) Germany
Prof. Dr. med. Martin Röcken studied and worked in Munich, Brussels, Berlin, Lausanne, Geneva, Washington DC and Tübingen. He is chair of the Department of Dermatology, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, member of the German Academy of Sciences, the European Academy of Sciences and president of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV). He is author of dermatology books translated into multiple languages. The clinical and research focus includes autoimmune diseases, psoriasis and pathogen-host-interactions during infections, onco-dermatology, tumor immunology and especially development of tumor immune therapies. Key work was published in the Lancet, Nature and Cell journals.

Ncoza Dlova - International Director (2023 - 2027) South Africa
Prof Ncoza Dlova, is the Dean of the SCM, and HOD Dermatology, UKZN, Durban,SA. She has many accolades and leadership awards behind her name. She is a well published dermatologist with more than 135 scientific publications., and a “B” NRF rated researcher, which speaks to her impactful research which is recognised both locally and internationally She is a member of numerous international dermatology boards and societies. She has been invited as guest speaker in more than 50 countries, and is

Qianjin Lu - Associate Director (2023 - 2027) China
Lu Qianjin, Professor, Executive Director of Dermatology Hospital (Institute), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of Key Laboratory of Basic and Translational Research on Immune-Mediated Skin Diseases, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of Hunan Key Laboratory of Medical Epigenomics, President of Chinese Society of Dermatology (CSD), President of Skin Immunization Branch of Chinese Society of Immunology, Vice President of World Chinese Association of Dermatologists, and associate editor of Clinical Immunology. He has been engaged in clinical, teaching and scientific research of dermatology for more than 30 years.

Rashmi Sarkar - Regional Director for South Asia, Middle East and Africa (2023 - 2027) India
Prof (Dr) Rashmi Sarkar,MD,FAMS is Director- Professor ,Dept of Dermatology,Lady Hardinge Medical College and associated hospitals ,New Delhi,Delhi University,India. She was the President of Indian Association of Dermatologists,Venereologists and Leprologists(IADVL) in 2022. Her special interests are in Pigmentary Disorders and Pediatric Dermatology.She has edited 16 books,has 220 publications and 80 chapters.She is Editor Emeritus,Pigment International and Co Editor,Asian J Ped Derm.

Ricardo Romiti - Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean (2023 - 2027) Brazil
Ricardo Romiti, MD, PhD, works as Director and Clinical Professor at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and is responsible for the Psoriasis, Connective Tissue Diseases and Hair Disorders Unit at the Department of Dermatology. Professor Romiti is currently Board Director of the International Psoriasis Council (IPC), regional coordinator for LatAm of the Global Psoriasis Atlas (GPA), responsible for the Psoriasis Unit of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD), and Board Member of the ILDS.

Roy Chan - WCD 2023 President (2019 - 2027) Singapore
My dermatological career started a the Middle Road Hospital in the 1980s and continued on at its successor, the National Skin Centre. I was appointed Director of the NSC from 2004 to 2014, where I am currently Senior Consultant and Medical Advisor. I was the President of the 25th World Congress of Dermatology in Singapore in July 2023.

Venkataram Mysore - Regional Director for South Asia, Middle East and Africa (2019 - 2027) India
Dr Venkat is a unique combination of Dermatologist, Dermatopathologist and Hair transplant surgeon. He is the director of Venkat Charmalay center foradvanced Dermatology(RGUHS) Bangalore, India . He is the author/editor in chief of seven books . He has been the President of three national associations; IADVL 2015, Association of Cutaneus Surgeons 2010-13 and Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons 2013 and internationally, president of DASIL.

Esther Freeman - Observer (as the IFD Vice-Chair) USA
Esther Freeman, MD, PhD, is Director of Global Health Dermatology at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. She also serves as the Director of Clinical Innovation and Education for the Center for Global Health at Massachusetts General Hospital. As founding and immediate past chair of GLODERM (the International Alliance for Global Health Dermatology), she developed an international mentorship program for dermatology changemakers from under-resourced settings around the globe. She is the Vice Chair of the International Foundation for Dermatology, which is the foundation arm of the International League of Dermatologic Societies (ILDS). Her work as a physician-scientist and epidemiologist focuses on access to care and infectious diseases affecting underserved populations globally. She is the principal investigator of the American Academy of Dermatology and ILDS registry for COVID-19, Mpox, and Emerging Infections, and has won two Presidential Citations from the American Academy of Dermatology for her work. She has been a consultant to the World Health Organization. In addition to her >100 scientific papers, some of which have been viewed more than >1 million times in the New England Journal of Medicine, her work has been cited extensively in the lay press, including the New York Times, The Washington Post, and National Geographic.