Final Report of the 3rd ILDS World Skin Summit
1 Jul 2023
Global Partnerships For Skin Health
The 3rd ILDS World Skin Summit (WSS) took place in Lima, Peru from October 13th to 15th, 2022, and has been deemed a great success. The summit, organised by the International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS), brought together 119 leaders from 47 global dermatological societies to address common challenges and opportunities in skin health.

The ILDS is proud to publish the World Skin Summit's final report, which presents a comprehensive overview of the discussions and outcomes of the conference. It will serve as a valuable resource for dermatologists, healthcare professionals, and policymakers worldwide as they work towards improving skin health and promoting global partnerships in dermatology.

Final Report of the 3rd ILDS World Skin Summit.
The ILDS World Skin Summit serves as a platform for dermatological societies worldwide to collaborate, discuss, and find solutions to the unique issues faced by their respective regions. The event, held every few years between the ILDS World Congresses of Dermatology, aims to foster global partnerships and promote improved dermatologic care for people worldwide.
Attended by influential leaders representing dermatological societies from around the globe, the 3rd ILDS WSS facilitated productive discussions and interactions. Plenary sessions and breakout sessions provided opportunities for participants to exchange ideas and contribute to the ILDS's strategic planning for the coming years. In addition to the dermatological society representatives, patient advocates, the World Health Organization (WHO), and industry partners actively participated in the summit. Their contributions and insights played a crucial role in shaping the discussions and outcomes of the event.

Peru was chosen as the location for the 3rd ILDS WSS due to its active dermatological society and the specific challenges faced in providing dermatologic care in South and Central America. The summit aimed to identify collaborations and strategies to overcome these challenges and enhance skin health in the region.
The success of the 3rd ILDS WSS can be attributed to the active participation of attendees and the valuable input provided before the meeting. The ILDS extends its gratitude to the leaders of El Circulo Dermatológico del Perú (CIDEMR), Colegio Ibero-Latinoamericano de Dermatología (CILAD), and the International Alliance of Dermatology Patient Organizations (GlobalSkin) for their instrumental involvement in organising the conference.

The ILDS also expresses its sincere appreciation to the Peruvian colleagues for their warm hospitality and for organising a memorable cultural show during the closing ceremony. The ILDS staff's excellent support and coordination ensured the overall success of the event.

The final report encompasses an executive summary, highlights from past summits, expectations and goals from the meeting, a comprehensive programme summary, information on workshops and the bursary programme, recommended actions going forward, and more. The report also provides a glimpse into the upcoming World Congress of Dermatology (WCD) in Singapore this July, which is also organised by the ILDS and will be hosted by the Dermatological Society of Singapore.