New Zealand Dermatological Society Skin Check Day for World Skin Health Day
[ric id="3392" srcmoduleimage="" srcsquare="" srcoriginal="" srcvideo="" srcnarrow="" alt="" caption="Victoria Scott-Lang and Tom Middelburg alongside the SkinCan NZ team" classes="center" format="original"]
The main focus of the day was to screen patients for skin cancer and to raise awareness of the importance of sun protection. This is particularly important for the local community due to the very high incidence of skin cancer. Skin checks are not government subsidised in NZ and the cost can be prohibitive for many people.
17 doctors, of which 7 were dermatologists and 10 were General Practitioners with advanced dermatology training, saw 265 patients, over age 50. 111 had an abnormal skin check.
3 suspicions of melanoma in situ
3 squamous cell carcinoma
9 suspicions of melanoma
58 with one or more actinic keratoses
61 basal cell carcinoma
SkinCan also installed free sunscreen dispensers at three sites across Christchurch for a six-month pilot scheme.
Find out more about how your organisation can take part in World Skin Health Day here.