Announcing the winners for 2023 ILDS Certificate of Appreciation
1 Dec 2023
We are happy to announce the recipients of the 2023 Certificates of Appreciation. The CoAs are awarded annually and aim to recognise dermatologists and others in the field of dermatological care who have made an outstanding contribution.
International Leadership

Region: Latin America & Caribbean
Nominated by: Brazilian Society of Dermatology
Professor Azulay-Abulafia concluded their Dermatology Residence in 1983 at the Medical Sciences Faculty of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro where they teach medical and dermatology students for 40 years. Since 1994, she has trained Brazilian and foreign students from Latin America at the Institute of Dermatology Prof. RD Azulay (Catholic University). Editor of Azulay Dermatology textbook (8th edition). As member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology they have organized national and international meetings, participated in health campaigns for underserved communities. Member of the ISD (1990), AAD (1995), CILAD (2004)

Region: Asia Pacific
Nominated by: Japanese Dermatological Association
Dr Hide started his career of dermatologist in 1984 and has devoted himself to the research and practices of urticaria, angioedema, and atopic dermatitis, in addition to general dermatology, sever burn, radiation injury, malignant melanoma and biosensors. He has published >330 papers with >8000 non-self-citations, and trained >140 dermatologists/dermatological scientists, as a chairman professor of dermatology (2001-2021), a dean of medical school (2016-2020), and a deputy president in Hiroshima Univ (2020-2021), and as a board member of various domestic and foreign scientific societies

Region: Europe
Nominated by: Austrian Society for Dermatology
Professor Helmut Hintner was instrumental in building an awareness of the general public and policy makers for rare diseases of the skin worldwide. This culminated in the foundation of the award-winning EB-House Austria in 2005 (, covering research, clinical management and education in the field of epidermolysis bullosa (EB). Following its initial set up, EB-house Austria was developed as the national contact point for EB-patients in Austria and surrounding countries.

Region: Europe
Nominated by: German Dermatological Society
Professor & Chairman, Dept. of Dermatology, Environmental Medicine, University of Osnabrueck, Germany. Scientific director “Institute for Interdisciplinary Dermatological Prevention and Rehabilitation (iDerm)” at the University of Osnabrueck. Focus: Occupational dermatology & allergology, including the implementation of systematic interdisciplinary approaches to the prevention of occupational skin diseases with an emphasis on workers’ education strategies (“Osnabrueck model”). Author of >500 papers (h-index 53) and lead-editor of major textbooks in the field, e.g. Kanerva’s Occup. Dermatology.

Region: Asia Pacific
Nominated by: Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology
Professor Chikako Nishigori served as Chairperson of Department of Dermatology, Kobe University. She was trained as a dermatologist at Kyoto University and received her PhD there. She joined professor Kripke's Labo at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Her major topics of interest is photo dermatology, photo immunology, skin caners, and pigment cell disorders. She served as the board of Japanese Dermatological Association. She devotedly educated young dermatologists, especially dedicated to encouraging female dermatologists to continue their careers after maternity leave.

Region: Europe
Nominated by: British Association of Dermatologists
Hywel trained in London and joined the University of Nottingham in 1994 where he founded the Centre of Evidence-Based Dermatology. Hywel cares passionately about collaborative international research and patient involvement. His interests include independent randomised clinical trials and systematic reviews, and is one of the most cited clinical dermatologists worldwide. Hywel is a recipient of the BAD Sir Archibald Gray medal, fellow of the RCP, an NIHR senior investigator and fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. He was awarded an OBE in 2021 for services to medical research.

Region: USA and Canada
Nominated by: International Society of Dermatology and the Georgian Association of Photodermatology and Skin Cancer
Dr. Konnikov a Clinical Professor of Dermatology training residents from BU, Harvard and Tufts residency programs for more than 35 years. Combining her love for Dermatology with voluntarism, travel, respect for different cultures, she had served as Secretary-General and a President of the International Society of Dermatology. She is a driving force in organizing numerous national and regional meetings in Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan in order to improve and standardize dermatological care in developing countries. Dr. Konnikov has nurtured many societies to join ILDS.

Region: Europe
Nominated by: Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
- Chairman of Department of Dermatology of Fundación Jiménez DÃaz, Madrid, Spain
- Professor of Dermatology at Universidad Autónoma, Madrid, Spain.
- 1003 published papers in Medical Journals. 576 of those papers in journals included in MedLine (PubMed).
- 184 chapters in textbooks of Dermatology and Dermatopathology.
- Main author of 14 Monographies of Dermatology and Dermatopathology.
- 1825 oral presentations in National and Internacional meetings of Dermatology and Dermatopathology.
- 501 lectures as invited speaker in National and International meetings of Dermatology and Dermatopathology.

Region: Asia Pacific
Nominated by: Korean Dermatological Association
Kwang Hoon Lee is Professor Emeritus of Dermatology at the Yonsei University College of Medicine, South Korea, and CEO of Cutis Biomedical Research Center, R & D driven bio-venture company for dermatology. He led the establishment of the Korean Atopic Dermatitis Association. He has been served on inaugural Councilor and Board member of the International Eczema Council. His leadership has a profound impact on the atopic dermatitis (AD) specialty around the world. His research focuses on immunotherapy and precision medicine for AD through discovery of relevant biomarkers in treatment response.
Humanitarian Dermatology

Region: Asia Pacific
Nominated by: The Japanese Dermatological Association
Prof. Ishii dedicated over 40 years as a dermatologist, many of which were humanitarian work. He worked for infectious diseases such as leprosy, Buruli ulcer, and scabies. These diseases can be disabling if left untreated, and patients can be significantly impacted from physical impairment to stigma and discrimination. He made numerous contributions nationally and internationally – mostly for the underserved populations. It is difficult to estimate the number of people who had benefited from his work, as the number continues to expand. Those he mentored or trained are providing care to these people, bringing better lives for them and their families.

Region: USA and Canada
Nominated by: American Academy of Dermatology
For the past 30 years, Professor Ernesto Gonzalez-Martinez has created a dermatologic model to provide in-kind services to the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program (BHCHP) that included clinical services at their facilities and tele-dermatology consultations to homeless patients as well as didactic activities to the staff and to trainees of Harvard Medical School. All residents in the Harvard Combined Dermatology Residency Program are required supervised rotations at the BHCHP for the past 10 years to stimulate community service and empathy for the underserved.

Region: South Asia, The Middle East and Africa
Nominated by: Iranian Society of Dermatology
Dr Emadi is an Iranian dermatologist awarded the Florence Nightingale World Medal, 2021,Geneva for his devotion in helping war and natural disaster victims. He has been working as a Doctors without Borders in many countries, particularly in Africa and Middle East for over 15 years. Dr.Emadi is an expert in HIV,leishmaniasis,Covid-19 and skin manifestations associated with chemical weapons and has been instrumental in treating many chemical weapons victims in Iraq (Kirkuk) after ISIS used these weapons on civilians in 2016. His presence and contribution noted in the Science magazine in 2018.

Region: South Asia, The Middle East and Africa
Nominated by: Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venerologists and Leprologists
Dr Vivek Vasudev Pai, Director, Bombay Leprosy Project working in field of Leprosy and Dermatology for 34 years, Published over 200 articles, abstracts, Presented scientific papers in several National and International Conferences in India and abroad. Authored Chapters on “Leprosy“, in IADVL Textbook of Dermatology, in various Editions, “Leprosy”, Textbook of Conn’s Therapy, USA, “Leprosy”, IAL Textbook of Leprosy, in various Editions and “Handbook of Leprosy” in Textbook of Dermatology. Member, Technical Advisory Committee, NLEP, Govt. of Maharashtra, Expert Group, NSP Govt of India.

Region: South Asia, The Middle East and Africa
Nominated by: South Asian Regional Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists
Dr Jayadev Betkerur completed his MD in 1986. Since then he has dedicated himself to teaching and community service. After 27 years of service in JSS Medical College , Mysuru, he is presently working as Prof and Head, Dermatology at Dr Moopen's Medical college, Wayanad, Kerala. He has served IADVL as President in 2021. He was appreciated for providing care & comfort to more than 1500 people with HIVAIDS thus helping them to lead quality life in the society. He devised and executed a plan to control scabies in a Residential school of 3000 underprivileged inmates which improved their schooling

Region: Europe
Nominated by: Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
Dermatologist, leprologist, master in Mindfulness, PhD on neglected & emergent diseases. Work: Spanish NHS (1988-2022), F. LLuita (currently). Volunteer: Madrid 11M-2004, Tsunami-2005, Tindouf refugee camps. Founder (2015) and lead (2015-2022) of DerMalawi. Professor: “Rey Juan-Carlos” Univ., “Tropical Med. and Global Health Master”, Autonoma Univ., Saharan healthcare training program. Author&Lectures: infectious-diseases skin-manifestations, global health, tropical derm., integrated SNTD progr., COVID-19, mpox. WHO/PAHO collaborator: mpox, ectoparasitosis, Tunguiasis, sNTD. IACS vice-chair.
On behalf of the ILDS Board of Directors and the ILDS Members, sincere congratulations to all the recipients!

ILDS Awards
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